Full size carvings made from either basswood or tupelo wood with glass eyes and painted in oil. They are placed in a natural setting that is also carved from wood and painted. Popular songbird carvings that have been created by Hank include male and female cardinals, chickadees, red-winged blackbirds and wrens. Other birds are available upon request as are miniature versions of songbird carvings.
Below are examples of many of the competition-grade songbird carvings that Hank has created. To inquire about purchasing any of these carvings or to commission Hank for your own custom carving, please contact him.
Northern Cardinal Pair

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This pair of Cardianals is on permanent display at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT. View more photos
Other Cardinal Carvings

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Hank has created over a dozen Cardinals over his career. He experiments with both the position of the body and well as the composition of the habitat. Click here to see photos of four different Cardinal variations.
American Robin

This familiar harbinger of spring is a large and sturdy member of the thrush family. Every year its wonderful orange breast and grayish back brings a hope of warmer sunny weather to each of us. This carving is full size and is mounted on a manzanite burl that is distinctive in itself. The robin is carved out of basswood, painted in oils and it stands about 12 inches high including the base. View more photos
Mourning Dove on a Split Rail Fence Post

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This full-sized bird is perched on a hand-crafted split rail fence post that is made to look weathered. The whole carving is 14 inches high. The color of the mourning dove is a difficult one to duplicate and it took many attempts before this successfully matched. The bird as well as the fence post and "iron" staple are all made from tupelo. View slideshow
Red-winged Blackbird in a Marsh Setting

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This is a full sized male blackbird. The habitat in which it will be perched is still “under construction” and will be completed soon. View slideshow
Carolina Wren

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This little guy is common on the east coast and to some degree the midwest. All wrens are small, have some brown in their coloring and are very active. Most nest in cavities, including birdhouses. This bird is 5 inches in length. View more photos
Black-capped Chickadee

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The black-capped chickadee is the most widespread of the species as it can be found in the U.S. (except the deep south) and Canada. They can be found in a variety of wooded habitats. This bird is 5 ½ inches in length. View slideshow